Meet Our Crew!


Christiaan Mader

Host, Out to Lunch Acadiana
Christiaan is the founder of The Current, a nonprofit news organization covering all things Lafayette. His work as a writer and reporter has appeared in The New York Times, Vice, Offbeat, Gambit, and The Advocate. Because it’s also compulsory for everybody in Acadiana to be in a band, Christiaan was also a founding member of influential indie-rock outfit Brass Bed.

Grant Morris

Grant Morris

Producer, Out to Lunch Acadiana
Grant produces Out to Lunch Acadiana along with Out to Lunch shows in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. You can find archive shows of Grant hosting the decade-long New Orleans podcast Happy Hour and occasionally see his writing credit on a movie if you’re up very late. Email Grant.

Lea and Christiaan

Lea Urdiales

Researcher, Out to Lunch Acadiana 
“The foundation of a good interview is good research.” Lea is not sure if it was Aristotle who said that or some guy she heard on NPR, but nonetheless she knows it’s true. Lea came to Lafayette and Out to Lunch from Texas by way of a storied background that involves rodeos and horses.


Dylan Babineaux

Dylan Babineaux

Audio Engineer, Out to Lunch Acadiana
If you’re at Tsunami Sushi when Out to Lunch Acadiana is being recorded you might find yourself wondering, “Is that tall, handsome audio engineer also the front man for Scenic World and didn’t I see him playing with both Kid Charleroi and Horace Trahan and doesn’t he also teach music at Music Academy of Acadiana?” and the person sitting next to you might say, “Yes, you’re right! That’s Dylan Babineaux!” And, in fact, it is.

Chad Theriot

Chad Theriot

Associate Producer, Out to Lunch Acadiana 
Chad is CEO of cybersecurity pioneer, CBM, but you’ll fnd him equally passionate about compassion – especially Habitat For Humanity and other community-driven organizations. On Out to Lunch and in his everyday life Chad is all about connecting good people to great ideas. 

Astor Morgan

Astor Morgan

Photographer, Out to Lunch Acadiana
Astor is probably the most over-qualified member of the Out to Lunch team. An accalimed photographer of celebtrities and commercials, Astor moved from his long-time base in Los Angeles back home to Lafayette and in between shooting for the stars and name-brands shoots photos of folks having lunch.


Eric Murrell

 Technical Director, INO Broadcasting
Eric is the tech audio head honcho of all the shows produced by INO Broadcasting. He’s the reason you can hear these podcasts. 25+ years of live audio production has created a great appreciation for capturing and archiving conversations. And music. Eric has done live sound for countless international artists including orchestras and nationally televised live events like The Grammys. Above all, though, Eric is a Native New Orleanian who sees the value of what is said, unrecorded, over a meal.

Amy Irvin

Amy Irvin

Business Development Specialist
Amy is the INO Broadcasting ambassador to all our sponsors in all of our markets so she’s often running up and down the I-10, zipping off to Florida, or holding down the fort at her art gallery and retail store in historic Clarksville Mississippi. Email Amy


Peter Ricchiuti

Host, Out to Lunch, New Orleans
The founding host of Out to Lunch Acadiana, Peter teaches finance at Tulane University and is Director of the managed fund and innovative post-grad teaching program, Burkenroad Reports. Peter is often quoted as a financial expert in national publications The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, CNBC and BARRON’s.