It’s Acadiana: Out To Lunch

Hosted ByChristiaan Mader

OUT TO LUNCH finds journalist Christiaan Mader conducting business Acadiana style: over lunch. Each week Christiaan invites guests from Acadiana's business community to join him. Beyond the foundations of the Acadiana economy - oil, cuisine, music - there is a vast network of entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even some of the country's largest companies who call Acadiana home. Out to Lunch is the cafeteria of the wider Acadiana business community. You can also hear the show on KRVS 88.7FM.

Ducks Dressing – Out to Lunch – It’s Acadiana

The difference between men and women is a subject that’s been examined from perhaps the beginning of time. Whether you believe the conversation starts with Adam and Eve, or a couple of organisms crawling out of the primordial soup, commentary about what sets genders apart is the province of everyone from archaeologists to comedians.

You’d be forgiven for wondering what we could contribute to this conversation on a radio show and podcast about Acadiana business. Well, here goes. Let’s start with Emily Degan.

Emily Degan

Emily is the owner and CEO of a company called Saint Hugh. Saint Hugh makes clothes for women. Women who are involved in an activity that, for the most part, is the province of men. Hunting. Emily discovered when she was a young girl who liked to go hunting with her dad, that there were no hunting clothes that fit her properly. And the ones that did fit, didn’t look good. Saint Hugh solves that problem by making outdoor apparel specifically designed for women. Saint Hugh designs look good, and they take into account the different demands of women’s bodies out in the marsh or woods.

Ross Fontenot

Ross Fontenot started out his business in 2011 by dressing men. Ross and his business partner, John Peterson, opened a fashion-forward menswear store in Lafayette, called Genterie. John left Genterie to start up the soft drink company, Swamp Pop. Ross stayed at Genterie, expanding the store and its market, to include women’s fashion.

Ross Fontenot, Emily Degan, Aileen Bennett

Photos over lunch at Cafe Vermilionvilleby Gwen Aucoin.



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