Making a living in healthcare is a pain.  Whatever side of it you work in, at some level you’re dealing with people. That’s the case if you’re a doctor, a researcher or even an entrepreneur.

When people buy what you’re selling, theoretically at least, they’re hoping to improve their lives. And not just in the way a nespresso machine would. This can be a matter of life and death. Or pain and comfort. No pressure.

It’s one thing to conceive of a new way to brew coffee. Another thing entirely to think of a new way to treat wounds and bring that idea to market in an intense and thorny regulatory environment.

Joe Spell, Tides Medical is  nationwide company in all 50 states providing a specialized medical treatment for woundcare based on human placenta mostly donated by Lafayette moms

Joe Spell, Tides Medical is nationwide company in all 50 states providing a specialized medical treatment for woundcare based on human placenta mostly donated by Lafayette moms

Wound care is the primary product for Tides Medical, a biotech company headquartered here in Lafayette and founded by Joe Spell. Joe has a background in marketing and worked for years selling medical products. He launched Tides in 2009, seeing an opportunity to improve customer care. But the company took off after it landed on its signature innovation: advanced wound care products sourced from donated placenta.

Tides is now the largest commercial biotech firm in Louisiana and opened the state’s first tissue bank. The company now operates in 50 states with a salesforce of over 200 people, on top of 130 people employed in Louisiana.

Joe is originally from Milton and is a recent graduate of Harvard Business School.

Treating pain is tough. Imagine going anywhere when your body hurts. Trouble is, when you’re in pain is often when you most need to move. Motion is lotion.

Alix Sorrel, her clinic, Integrated Physical Therapy & Pilates, is exactly that - a unique combination of pain management and physical conditioning

Alix Sorrel, her clinic, Integrated Physical Therapy & Pilates, is exactly that – a unique combination of pain management and physical conditioning

Alix Sorrel is a physical therapist and the founder of Integrated Physical Therapy and Pilates. Her practice combines conventional PT with Pilates classes to help clients manage pain from injuries, chronic illnesses and more.

Alix came to the idea as a patient, after trying pilates to treat pain before her wedding. She launched Integrated Physical Therapy in 2012 and added the pilates studio in 2013. Today, her practice sees about 30-40 patients a week, ranging in age from seven to 94.

Alix grew up in New Iberia and holds a doctorate in physical therapy.

Joe Spell, Alix Sorrel, Christiaan Mader, Out to Lunch at Tsunami Sushi in downtown Lafayette

Joe Spell, Alix Sorrel, Christiaan Mader, Out to Lunch at Tsunami Sushi in downtown Lafayette

Out to Lunch Acadiana was recorded live over lunch at Tsunami Sushi in downtown Lafayette. Photos by Lilliana Morgan.

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