out to lunch

Gen Z Biz

When you hear the words “Gen Z,” what word comes to mind? If you’re over 40, the answer is more than likely dismissive. When you look at the data, though, there’s one word that should come to mind: entrepreneurial. In 2023, a record 5 million new businesses were started in the United States. A massive…

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Jackie Lyle imports entertainers at Performing Arts Serving Acadiana (PASA), Bryan Roger oversees the swingers & more at Top Golf Lafayette

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It’s The Law

There’s a saying in show business: Every musician wants to be an actor. And every actor wants to be a musician. For a lot of people, either option would be a dream job. Especially if they grow up to be doctors or lawyers instead. But do lawyers want to be doctors? Do doctors want to…

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Artrepreneur Unstuck

One way or the other, if you’re in business in the 21st century, you’re selling yourself. That’s true whether you’re selling crafts or services. Social platforms like TikTok, Instagram or YouTube are basically all marketplaces of personality. You still need a product that people want, but that’s not really enough. You need to connect with…

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Feel Good, Eat Ice Cream

If you’re looking for an optimum time to do something difficult, it’s easy to find excuses to procrastinate. ls there ever “a good time” to quit smoking? Is there ever “a good time” to start working out? The answer is, of course, it’s always a good time, and it’s never a good time. It’s the…

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