It’s Acadiana: Out To Lunch

Hosted ByChristiaan Mader

OUT TO LUNCH finds journalist Christiaan Mader conducting business Acadiana style: over lunch. Each week Christiaan invites guests from Acadiana's business community to join him. Beyond the foundations of the Acadiana economy - oil, cuisine, music - there is a vast network of entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even some of the country's largest companies who call Acadiana home. Out to Lunch is the cafeteria of the wider Acadiana business community. You can also hear the show on KRVS 88.7FM.

Guitar Fishing – Out to Lunch – It’s Acadiana

You may remember in the late 1990’s a company called BASF had a massive TV marketing campaign, based on what they didn’t make.

They had a number of commercials that said things like, “At BASF we don’t make the cooler, we make it cooler.” And “At BASF we don’t make the jeans, we make them bluer.” All these beautifully shot and expensive looking commercials would end with, “At BASF we don’t make a lot of the products you buy, we make them better.”

You could think of today’s Out to Lunch as the BASF of Out to Lunches.

Aileen’s guest Mark Cartwright didn’t invent fishing. But his invention makes it better. 

Mark Cartwright demonstrates The Catcher's Mitt

Mark is the creator of The Catcher’s Mitt – a special glove and set of accompanying tools that clip to your belt, ready for that moment when you reel in a fish. Available online and in sports stores across Louisiana and Mississippi, the Catcher’s Mitt is increasingly becoming a fisherman’s favorite. 

Aileen tries out Tipster

And meet Tipster, “21st Century jug fishing,” where you drink beer and the fish catch themselves.

Brian Biddick

Brian Biddick didn’t invent the guitar, and although he does actually build guitars from scratch – and spent many years doing just that – what he specializes in is customizing guitars. In other words, Brian takes your guitar – which you already like because it sounds good –  and makes it sound better. Brian is a master guitarchitect whose clients are literally a who’s who in Acadiana music. Brian works out of Lafayette Music and, much to his wife’s chagrin, on his kitchen table, but his influence on what we listen to spreads far and wide.

Brian Biddick, Mark Cartwright, Aileen Bennett 

Photos over lunch at Social on Johnston Street in Lafayette Louisiana.


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