Personal Finance and The Public Record – Out to Lunch – It’s Acadiana

Until a few years ago, if you wanted to know what’s going on in the world or in your backyard, you had to buy a newspaper. Today we primarily get our news online. In this information society we expect information to be free. That trend has led to the well-documented demise of the daily paper. Except, not here.
Here in Acadiana we are in the atypical position of having a newspaper that is actually expanding – both its staff and coverage. That newspaper is The Advocate.

At The Advocate, one of the people behind this trend-bucking expansion – and the person charged with figuring out how to make money out of information everyone expects for free – is the company’s Publisher, Judi Terzotis.
Judi has a massive task making a newspaper profitable. But, as host Aileen Bennett mentions in this Out to Lunch Acadiana conversation, you have your own struggles with money. We all do. Most of us somehow manage to spend all the money we make. Even if we get a raise, or even win the lottery, somehow we find a way to spend it all. So that when it comes time to buy something we really want, or really need, we stress out about it. Or we put it on a credit card and stress out about it every month for years to come.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could figure out how to live within your means, have everything you want – within reason – be happy, and even have savings? According to Molly Richard, that doesn’t have to be a fantasy. That can be your real life.

Molly’s company, Splendor Financial Wellness, takes ordinary people like you and me and, through a unique process that is focused on how our finances are linked to our psychological and emotional states, raises our financial IQ to a state of actual happiness. Molly is unlocking something revolutionary in its simplicity.

Photos at Spoonbill Watering Hole and Restaurant by Lucius Fontenot.

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