It’s Acadiana: Out To Lunch

Hosted ByChristiaan Mader

OUT TO LUNCH finds journalist Christiaan Mader conducting business Acadiana style: over lunch. Each week Christiaan invites guests from Acadiana's business community to join him. Beyond the foundations of the Acadiana economy - oil, cuisine, music - there is a vast network of entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even some of the country's largest companies who call Acadiana home. Out to Lunch is the cafeteria of the wider Acadiana business community. You can also hear the show on KRVS 88.7FM.

A Little Help From My Friends – Out to Lunch – It’s Acadiana

We live in a nation where we pride ourselves on individual achievement. When things go wrong, we look for reasons and explanations. When things go right, we put it down to our own hard work. And a little bit of luck. The truth is, of course, that achieving success – or sometimes just managing to get through a day – takes more than individual hard work and happenstance. Sometimes we plain and simple need help.

Peter’s guests on this edition of Out to Lunch are all people whose businesses are about helping. Helping you feel better. And do better.

Sue Schliefer

Sue Schliefer is a life and career coach. Through her company, Oak Communications Coaching & Consulting, Sue provides life coaching, career guidance, and management consulting services to individuals and to organizations throughout Acadiana, the United States, and even beyond our borders. 

alyce morgan

Alyce Morgan is the owner of Embody Zest, a unique exercise studio, offering Pilates, The Franklin Method, Aerial Yoga, Zestercise, Laughter Yoga and Sleeping Qigong. (pronounced Chee Gong). If you’re wondering what all that exactly is, they’re each forms of movement designed in differing ways to make you feel fabulous. 

anita carrere

If you overdo it at Alyce’s studio, or you’re just feeling creaky, you might want to visit Anita Carrere. Anita is the owner of Abbeville Chiropractic Clinic which is, no surprise, a chiropractic clinic in Abbeville. What might be a little surprising is that Anita can perform chiropractic on you, and the horse you rode in on. Anita is one of only 6 people in Louisiana who is a certified animal chirppractor. 

anita carrere, alyce morgan, sue schleifer, eric murrell, peter ricchiuti

Photos at Pete’s Family Sports Grill by Gwen Aucoin.

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