It’s Acadiana: Out To Lunch

Hosted ByChristiaan Mader

OUT TO LUNCH finds journalist Christiaan Mader conducting business Acadiana style: over lunch. Each week Christiaan invites guests from Acadiana's business community to join him. Beyond the foundations of the Acadiana economy - oil, cuisine, music - there is a vast network of entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even some of the country's largest companies who call Acadiana home. Out to Lunch is the cafeteria of the wider Acadiana business community. You can also hear the show on KRVS 88.7FM.

Bud and Smothered Rabbit – Out to Lunch – It’s Acadiana

Here in Acadiana we take the term “Southern Hospitality” seriously. We’re proud of how we welcome people into our homes, and into our businesses.

And for some of us, hospitality is our business.

On this edition of Out to Lunch, Peter Ricchiuto introduces two people at very different ends of the hospitality industry: Herb Schilling and David Billeaud.

David Billeaud

David is the founder and owner of one of Lafayette’s favorite institutions, T-Coon’s restaurant. David started T-Coon’s in 1993, and he’s still there every day, in the kitchen, cooking. David, thanks for taking time out of T-Coon’s to come eat at Social. Welcome to Out to Lunch.

Herbie Schilling

Herb Schilling spreads around hospitality on a grand scale. Since 1950 his family company, Schilling Distributing, has been wholesaling Budweiser, Anheuser Busch products, and more recently a wide range of beverages all across Acadiana.

Peter Ricchiuti, David Billeaud, Herbie Schilling

Photos at Social Southern Table and Bar by Gwen Aucoin.

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