Let’s talk about space. Not outer space — although we might get to that later — but the spaces we live and play.
On Earth, it’s a limited resource. Which makes it ideal for a business venture.
You might find yourself standing in front of a strip of vacant land and say to yourself, “How do I turn this into something that makes money?” Or you might say, “What if it was still…space?”
In a nutshell, that’s what happened with Moncus Park — if you gloss over some classic Lafayette political purposes. But for our purposes it will do.
Space (and parking spaces)
What is now Moncus Park was 100 acres of paradise that Lafayette decided to preserve, rather than pave. And JP McFadyen currently serves as its Executive Director.

JP McFadyen, running Moncus Park is not rocket science, though JP is actually a rocket scientist
JP knows a thing or two about spaces. It got his start in the aerospace industry and later owned a bakery. JP sold the bakery and took a job as the park’s operations manager. Moncus Park opened in January 2022.
Living Spaces
You may have heard the U.S. is in short supply of housing. Yes, we’ve got plenty of space between the waves of grain and the purple mountains majesty, but there’s still a dramatic need for new or updated homes in urban spaces.

Tyren Morrison, his company Equity Hub delivers gentrification with a positive spin
Tyren Morrison has made a business out of addressing that problem. His company, Equity Hub Construction, is part contractor, part developer and part title company. The stack of services helps Tyren easily rescue distressed houses and put them back into productive use as affordable homes.
Tyren got into the work repairing homes in the Lake Charles area after Hurricane Laura, and saw an opportunity to put all the parts of remarketing homes under one roof.
Tyren was born and raised in Lafayette, And got his start in the oil and gas industry.

Christiaan Mader, JP McFadyen, and Tyren Morrison Out to Lunch at the show’s new home, Sunday’s Soda Fountain in downtown Lafayette
Out to Lunch Acadiana is recorded live over lunch at Sunday’s Soda Fountain in downtown Lafayette. Photos by Astor Morgan.